Parents & Players
Players will be provided with the following equipment:
Helmet (Riddell or Schutt)
Chin Strap
Shoulder Pads
Game Jersey (Home and Away)
Gameday Pants (Home and Away)
Players will need to provide the following items:
Practice Pants
Practice Jersey
Players are allowed to upgrade their equipment as follows:
Practice Pants (BLACK) - Needs to be the integrated pad style. If the practice pants are the same color as the gameday pants then players will be allowed to wear the practice pants with the integrated pads on gameday if they prefer.
Chin Straps - Players can replace the stock chin straps with more padded chin straps (found at most any sporting goods stores)
Eye Shield - Players are allowed to wear eye-shield but they must be CLEAR and cannot be tinted in any fashion.
Gloves - Players are allowed to wear gloves
Extra Pads - Players are allowed to wear extra pads such as rib-cage protectors, forearm pads, etc, in conjunction with the required pads that are issued.
Volunteering is essential to run a football and cheer program.
Home games simply cannot happen without everyone donating a few hours during the season.
Our dedicated coaches need your help to make it the best season possible for the players.
Q: How long will I have to do the job I volunteer for?
A: One game. Not the whole day. Just one game for one age group.
Q: Will my volunteering make me miss my child's game?
A: Absolutely NOT. The BCAA will not ask any parent to fulfill a volunteer position in which they would not be able to see their child's event. BCAA always try to schedule the sign up sheet for either the game scheduled just before your child's game or for the game following your child's game. However, sometimes you may be asked to fill a volunteer position during your child's game but it would NEVER be a position in which you would not get to watch your child (such as being the Gatekeeper). It would be something like being the Spotter (sitting up in the press box) or working the Chain Crew (down on the field).
Q: What is expected of the parents?
A: All parents are expected to volunteer in some capacity and will be provided with opportunity during the season. If your son/daughter has the opportunity to participate with with the BCAA Bulldogs then you (or a member of your family) are required to volunteer twice during the regular season. Additional volunteer responsibilities may be incurred if the BCAA host any playoff games. Also, in an effort to help assist the organization with filling the harder to fill volunteer jobs we request that the scholarship parent (or family member) volunteer for one of the three following positions:
Chain Gang
Q: What is expected of the non-scholarship parents?
A: All parents are expected to volunteer in some capacity and will be provided with opportunity during the season. If you're son/daughter is not on a scholarship with the BCAA Bulldogs then you (or a member of your family) are only required to volunteer only once during the regular season. Additional volunteer responsibilities may be incurred if the Bulldogs host any playoff games.
Q: "What the heck do I actually have to do if I volunteer to be the __________?"
Chain Crew:
Requirements: at least 13 years old
Description: Standing down on the sidelines using the down and distance markers. Basic knowledge of football is helpful but not necessary. The referee informs you of exactly what to do and where to go throughout the game. It is the most "physical" of all the volunteer jobs as you will be instructed to move up and down the field but it is not stressful.
Scoreboard Operator:
Requirements: at least 18 years old
Description: Runs the scoreboard during home games and helps the announcer with players and numbers. May sound kind of scary but it isn't. Simply watch the official and he will inform you of exactly when to start and stop the clock (just pushing a button) and putting the scores up on the board are as simple as pushing some buttons as well.
Requirements: at least 18 years
Description: Uses the sound system during home games to announce teams, call the game and advertise our sponsors on a regular basis. Knowledge of football is required.
Requirements: at least 13 years old
Description: Sits up in the press box and helps the announcer with players and numbers. Basically tell the announcer what number ran the ball, caught the ball, or made the tackle. It's that simple (but for some reason people always seem nervous to volunteer for this one).